This thing is coded by me, scrabbled together in basic-ass Windows Notepad, and chucked directly onto Neocities. Font Awesome is used for the little social media icons and stuff, it's pretty neat.
All art, unless otherwise credited, is mine, some characters in said art also belong to friends. Most pixel stuff around the site is not mine - but they're linked below for convenience!
I have zero recollection of who did the 'back by unpopular demand: me' meme on the front page - if you do, let me know! Images on the characters page are from kind of all over - I lay claim to none of them, I am merely using them for aesthetics.
stuff used around the site
Opossum on about page is by Zillagator on DeviantART.
Rose under navigation is by Kakiwa on DeviantART.
Little updates tab under navigation menu is by mercurythms on tumblr.